#DearMomma: It Was All a Dream
Once upon a time, I was just a thought in my Dad's mind—an idea, a possibility, a seed waiting to be planted. He dreamed of something greater, something that would live on beyond his own hands and hard work. And so, with faith and determination, he took that thought and placed it deep into the soil of life.
Seeds grow. But they don’t grow overnight. They need time, patience, nurturing. They need rain and sunshine, trials and triumphs. And just like that tiny seed, I too began to take root—not just in the soil, but in purpose, in passion, in legacy.
Farm life teaches you that nothing worth having comes easy. You rise with the sun and rest when the work is done. You learn that growth isn’t always visible at first, but beneath the surface, transformation is happening. The same is true for dreams. What starts as a whisper in the wind can one day become a harvest so abundant it feeds generations.
#DearMomma, it was all a dream once. But today, that dream stands tall, reaching toward the sky, bearing fruit for the world to see. The seeds have grown. The roots run deep. And the legacy continues.
#ItWasAllADream #Seeds #Grow #FarmLife

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